Reasons why lesson content is not available

Here you will learn why you cannot access the lessons

Alex R avatar
Written by Alex R
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes, when studying a course, you may find that in place of content, you see a picture with a caption.

This happens for several reasons:

1. The course administrator has established a dependency between the lessons

In this case, you have to go through each lesson in order and mark it as completed in order to access the next one.

You can look up the name of the lesson you need to take and mark it as completed so that content in another lesson becomes available. We recommend that you mark a lesson as completed only after you have completed it. This will help you keep track of your progress.

2. Lessons may be available on specific dates

This means that the administrator has set a date when you can start it. You can set yourself a reminder so you don't miss the opening date of the lesson in case you have a deadline to take the course.

3. Lack of content

This case is possible when the administrator added a lesson but didn't add any content. In this case we recommend to contact the administrator and tell him about it.

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