To follow your brand guidelines you are able to change the next elements to customize the student's cabinet:
Logo β it will be applied:
Login background image
Main primary color
Content background color
By default, after registration, the school is created automatically. If you open the student login page, you will see that branding is applied there.
To change it, follow the instructions:
Open organization menu
Select Settings
In the settings select Theme customization
To upload your logo, click on the shape with Plus icon
Select a file from your device. We recommend to use minimum logo size 130x130 px with transparent background in .png format
Click Open
To upload a background image, click on the area below
Also select a file from you device to upload. We recommend to select an image file with 16:9 aspect ratio (1920x1080 px). Maximum file size 2 MB
Click Open
Choose a basic brand color. It will be applied to all interface elements except the background color for the content area. To change the background color, click the corresponding circle. We recommend using light background tones so that the contrast between the content part and the background is not broken.
Save changes